Australian & New Zealand International Scientific Drilling Consortium
ANZIC is the Australian and New Zealand International Scientific Drilling Consortium, part of several international research collaborations harnessing state-of-the-art scientific drilling to explore the Earth.
We connect leading research institutions and government organisations across Australia and New Zealand to international scientific drilling infrastructure.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) allows scientists access to some of Earth’s most challenging environments, collecting data and samples of sediment, rock, fluids, and living organisms from below the seafloor.
The International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) enables scientific drilling and coring across continents, lakes, and oceanic islands to investigate geodynamic processes, geohazards, georesources, and environmental change.
ANZIC facilitates involvement in IODP and ICDP science for Australian and New Zealand scientists from a wide range of fields, offering career-defining opportunities to boost their research, skills, and international networks.
Through these international programs we deliver a vitally important research capability and generate unparalleled opportunities for cross-disciplinary research partnerships.

In Australia, ANZIC is enabled by AuScope, within the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), and the Australian Research Council. In New Zealand, GeoDiscoveryNZ facilitates participation, funded by the NZ Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Ocean drilling: IODP
IODP is a long-running 21-nation collaboration that has transformed human understanding of our planet by enabling scientists to explore records of Earth’s climatic, biological, chemical and geological past contained in core samples from beneath the seafloor.
For 55 years, the program has been collecting deep sea cores and sub-seafloor data across the world’s ocean.
For over 15 years, ANZIC has facilitated the involvement in IODP science of many Australian and New Zealand scientists and educators at all career stages advancing our understanding of Earth’s dynamic history, processes, structure and future.
Discover more in the IODP 2050 Science Framework.
Continental drilling: ICDP
ICDP has been uncovering geological secrets from beneath our continents through targeted scientific drilling for nearly three decades.
As a non-profit organization for Earth system research, with 22 member countries, the program has enabled first-class science to be pursued, numerous targets to be probed and hypotheses to be tested, with resulting in fundamental discoveries about our ‘System Earth’.
Discover more in the ICDP Science Plan.