Participating in an IODP Expedition is the experience of a lifetime, working as part of an integrated science party onboard a specialised drilling vessel to recover, examine, and unlock millennia of secrets hidden in deep sea cores. ANZIC’s membership to the IODP consortium secures onboard opportunities for researchers from Australia and New Zealand on every IODP expedition, with additional opportunities for onshore participation and onboard outreach.

Current opportunities

Call for Outreach Officers: Expedition 405

We are seeking enthusiastic artists, videographers, teachers, media specialists, journalists or researchers with skills in storytelling, infographics, animation, photography, video production, podcasting, and other media to work and learn alongside a team of international scientists and technicians aboard Chikyu on Expedition 405 (JTRACK: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench) later this year. Apply by 15 June.

With the US National Science Foundation’s March 2023 announcement that the JOIDES Resolution scientific drilling vessel is to be retired in September 2024, new opportunities to sail will be in the form of Mission Specific Platform (MSP) missions. Check back here for new opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter below to have them delivered straight to your inbox.

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