Take learning to new depths
Share the amazing word of scientific drilling with us!
With our range of inspiring resources, you can engage students with the amazing world of scientific drilling.
Or join us for specialist learning and enrichment opportunities to help launch your career.
Students and ECRs from ANZIC member institutes gain exclusive access to a wealth of international, specialised training and development opportunities in scientific drilling and related. This can include funding to attend international workshop programs, Summer Schools and conferences to learn from and with a vibrant global community of scientists.
Check back here regularly for current learning opportunities.

CAPSTAN sea training program
Seas the opportunity!
CAPSTAN offers university students and trainers at-sea experience aboard CSIRO research vessel RV Investigator. Take your passion for marine science on a deep dive and immerse yourself in the expertise, advanced systems and diverse equipment used in modern marine research.
Fully funded berths are available on the next CAPSTAN voyage in March 2025.
Sorry, applications now CLOSED.

An absolutely amazing experience that I would recommend most highly to all.”

Below is a collection of resources to engage students and the wider community with scientific drilling discoveries and inspire the next generation!
Zoom in on microfossils for International Fossil Day!
(October 17)

Artworks to colour
Dr. Deborah Tangunan - Artist and Research Fellow at Cardiff University - has created these fabulous colouring pages depicting the intricate world of microfossils and what they tell us about the Earth's history.
The link takes you to Deborah's files.

Patterns to knit or embroider
From the JR's amazing collection of resources of microfossil activities!
Learn how paleontologists use microfossils to work out the age of sediment cores taken from beneath the sea.
Follow Giuseppe Cortese, radiolarian micropaleontologist, as he works onboard the JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 374.